料号(Part Number):
2芯公头(2PIN Male):AH-NC01-M14-S-M-02
2芯母头(2PIN Female): AH-NC01-M14-S-F-02
3芯公头(3PIN Male): AH-NC01-M14-S-M-03
3芯母头(3PIN Female): AH-NC01-M14-S-F-03
品牌(Brand Name): AOHUA
产地(Place Of Origin ): 深圳 Shenzhen, China (Mainland)
类型(Type): 尼龙带线式 (Nylon connector)
公母(Gender):公母( male female)
芯数可选(Pin Range): 2,3
◆使用参数(Operation Parameter)
额定电压(Voltage Rating): AC300V
额定电流(Current Rating): ≤13A
插拔次数(Times Of Plug): 1500
最大线径(Max Cable OD): ≤7.2mm
◆技术参数(Technical Parameter)
电路结构(Circuit Structure): Parallel
接触电阻(Contact Resistance): 10mΩ
绝缘电阻(Insulation Structure):500M Ω at DC500V
耐压(Withstand Voltage): 1.5KV
工作温度(Temperature Rating):-40℃~ + 105℃
防水等级(Waterproof Level): IP65
◆环保材质(RoHS Material)
接头材质(Jack Material):尼龙(PA66)
五金件材质(Pin Material):铜镀金(Gold-plated brass)
O型防水圈(O Ring):橡胶(Rubber)
密封垫圈(Seal Ring): 硅胶(Silicon)
Led Connector,Power, Outdoor, Electrical Equipmen